Advertise with ITRA

The Indiana Trail Riders Association has hundreds of active members.  ITRA's Facebook page has over 4,000 followers.  We have the ear of trail riders throughout Indiana.  If your company or organization provides products or services for horse people, advertising with  ITRA is an economical way to put your name in front of your market.  We offer advertising opportunities in our Trail Mix newsletter and in our widely used Trail Guide. We also offer sponsorship opportunities.

Who Should Advertise with ITRA

Advertising in ITRA's Newsletter, Trail Mix 

The Trail Mix newsletter is published bi-monthly in paper and electronic formats.  It reports to our members on projects ITRA volunteers are working on, on upcoming ITRA events and related activities, and general news regarding ITRA and equine affairs in Indiana.  It is read by our members, all of whom receive an electronic copy via email.  We also make the electronic form available to 4,000+ followers on Facebook.  Because no additional costs are incurred for color in the electronic newsletter, we don't upcharge for color ads. 

Trail Mix Advertising Rates per issue:

Due dates for camera-ready art are as follows: 

To reserve ad space in Trail Mix, contact editor Jonella Beale

You can see past issues of Trail Mix here.

Advertising in the Trail Guide

ITRA publishes the Trail Guide, the most comprehensive resource on equine trails and campgrounds in Indiana.  It is highly valued and heavily used by ITRA members who are planning riding-centered camping trips (which is most of them).  It is published every three years as a soft cover book that is distributed for free to all ITRA members. Trail Guide also has a limited circulation outside of ITRA members. The Trail Guide has a shelf-life of about three years and is referred to many times by active riders, so ads in Trail Guide are likely to be seen multiple times. Trail Guide is on a three-year publication cycle; the latest edition appeared in 2022. Contact ITRA about the availability of ad space at

Trail Guide ad formats and costs

Full page: $250

Half page: $125

Business card: $40

All Trail Guide ads are black and white only.

You can find more information about the Trail Guide here

Becoming an ITRA Sponsor

Businesses and organizations that support ITRA through sponsorships receive special recognition in ITRA publications. Sponsors may also include their sponsorship of ITRA in their own advertising to further demonstrate their support of its work for trailriders in Indiana. For more information about sponsorship, contact ITRA at

From ITRA sponsor Kerlin Trailers

"We are proud sponsors of the Indiana Trail Riders Association ( ITRA). The values that this group possesses align with ours perfectly. We are so excited about the work that this wonderful group is doing, spreading awareness for equine activities and the work that they are doing preserving our state's trail systems and campgrounds."